Flexible Perspective Taking: A Path to Self-Compassion and Effective Action


Flexible Perspective Taking: A Path to Self-Compassion and Effective Action In the hustle and bustle of our lives, we often find ourselves caught up in our thoughts and emotions. We react impulsively, driven by old patterns and judgments. But what if there was a way to step back, see things from a different angle, and [...]

Flexible Perspective Taking: A Path to Self-Compassion and Effective Action2024-04-18T16:35:43+03:00

Breaking Free: Understanding Our Recurrent Thought Patterns


Breaking Free: Understanding Our Recurrent Thought Patterns In the intricate landscape of our minds, we all harbor recurrent patterns of thought and emotion. These patterns, often deemed 'problematic', have a knack for dominating our actions and steering us away from behaviors aligned with our values. They weave themselves around key themes like abandonment, rejection, failure, [...]

Breaking Free: Understanding Our Recurrent Thought Patterns2024-04-17T13:13:42+03:00

The Mental Impact of Blood Sugar Levels After a Poor Night’s Sleep


Introduction Imagine waking up after a restless night—the world feels like a foggy kaleidoscope, and your brain is running on low battery. Sound familiar? Well, let’s dive into the science behind this groggy mental state and explore how blood sugar plays a starring role. Why Does Blood Glucose Rise After Poor Sleep? When you skimp [...]

The Mental Impact of Blood Sugar Levels After a Poor Night’s Sleep2024-04-11T14:21:57+03:00

Navigating Overwhelming Feelings: Insights from ACT Therapy


As a seasoned cognitive-behavioral therapist, I often find myself asked how I handle challenging thoughts and emotions. You might expect that after dedicating years to helping others, I'd be a picture of mental fortitude, effortlessly surmounting life's obstacles. However, the truth is far from that perception. Despite my expertise, I still grapple with my inner [...]

Navigating Overwhelming Feelings: Insights from ACT Therapy2024-04-10T12:26:59+03:00

The Power of Assertiveness


The Power of Assertiveness: Setting Boundaries for a Balanced Life As an ACT therapist, I often witness the transformative impact of assertiveness in helping individuals navigate life's challenges and cultivate healthier relationships. Assertiveness is more than just standing up for oneself; it's about communicating needs and boundaries effectively while respecting the rights of others. Let's [...]

The Power of Assertiveness2024-02-26T16:02:52+02:00

Unveiling the Dark Side of Dopamine


Unveiling the Dark Side: The Role of Dopamine in Unhealthy Behaviors As an ACT therapist, it's essential to explore the intricate relationship between neurochemistry and behavior, shedding light on both the positive and negative impacts of neurotransmitters like dopamine. While dopamine is often celebrated as the "drive neurochemical," fueling our motivation and perseverance, it also [...]

Unveiling the Dark Side of Dopamine2024-02-22T08:19:35+02:00

ACT Therapy and Buddhist Philosophy


Exploring the Intersection: ACT Therapy and Buddhist Philosophy In the world of therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) stands out as a Western approach rooted in psychological research and theory. However, upon closer examination, one can uncover striking parallels between ACT and the principles of Buddhist philosophy. Let's delve into these shared elements and how [...]

ACT Therapy and Buddhist Philosophy2024-02-21T14:37:36+02:00

Healing Invisible Wounds: ACT Therapy and Trauma Resulting from Childhood Emotional Neglect


Healing Invisible Wounds: ACT Therapy and Trauma Resulting from Childhood Emotional Neglect Understanding Childhood Emotional Needs: As children, we rely on our parents to meet not only our physical needs but also our emotional needs. These emotional needs are just as crucial for our well-being as food, water, and shelter. Among these needs are three [...]

Healing Invisible Wounds: ACT Therapy and Trauma Resulting from Childhood Emotional Neglect2024-02-15T13:03:05+02:00

Breaking the Cycle of Trauma: Embracing Recovery and Resilience


Breaking the Cycle of Trauma: Embracing Recovery and Resilience Understanding Trauma: Trauma can take many forms, from childhood neglect or abuse to witnessing or experiencing violence, accidents, natural disasters, and even war or terror attacks. These experiences can deeply wound us, shaping the way we see ourselves and the world around us. They can leave [...]

Breaking the Cycle of Trauma: Embracing Recovery and Resilience2024-02-13T16:03:30+02:00

Authenticity vs. Attachment in Trauma and Mental Health


Authenticity vs. Attachment in Trauma and Mental Health The Inner Struggle: Authenticity vs. Connection Have you ever felt torn between being true to yourself and fitting in with others? It's a common struggle that many of us face, and it can have a big impact on our mental health. Understanding the Pleasing Strategy Let's break [...]

Authenticity vs. Attachment in Trauma and Mental Health2024-02-12T15:20:00+02:00
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