Trauma, The Brain, and Memory: New Insights and Hope


Trauma, The Brain, and Memory: New Insights and Hope A groundbreaking study conducted at the University of Basel has revealed that our brains create multiple, parallel copies of each memory. This research, published in Science, suggests that a single memory is stored across various groups of neurons within the hippocampus, each emerging at different stages [...]

Trauma, The Brain, and Memory: New Insights and Hope2024-09-03T11:42:39+03:00

The ACT Revolution


The ACT Revolution - The Change in The World of Therapy and Quality of Life ACT brought about a revolution in the world of treatment and quality of life. If you visited a psychotherapist in the 1970s or 80s, you might have been told to eliminate negative thoughts or control your feelings. These ideas were [...]

The ACT Revolution2024-08-31T12:24:11+03:00

Exploring Epigenetics and the Transmission of Trauma


Exploring Epigenetics and the Transmission of Trauma Can Trauma Be Inherited? Have you ever wondered if the trauma experienced by your parents or grandparents could affect you? This intriguing question is at the heart of a growing field of study called epigenetics. Epigenetics explores how our behaviors and environment can change the way our genes [...]

Exploring Epigenetics and the Transmission of Trauma2024-08-28T12:22:52+03:00

Creatine Supplementation for Depression


Creatine Supplementation for Depression What does creatine have to do with depression? You must be asking yourself. Depression, a prevalent neuropsychiatric disorder, poses a significant burden on global health. Traditional antidepressants, primarily targeting monoaminergic neurotransmitter systems, often require weeks to manifest their therapeutic effects. Moreover, many patients do not respond adequately to these treatments. Given [...]

Creatine Supplementation for Depression2024-08-21T13:45:44+03:00

The guide how (and why) to be your own good friend


The Guide On How (And Why) To Be Your Own Good Friend Imagine you had a friend who is always there for you, listens patiently, and shows kindness and compassion. We all want such a friend and strive to be that person for others. Yet, when it comes to ourselves, we often fall short. Instead [...]

The guide how (and why) to be your own good friend2024-08-20T17:34:05+03:00

ROCD – Relationship OCD


ROCD - Relationship OCD Introduction to ROCD Imagine being in a loving, supportive relationship, yet constantly doubting your feelings and your partner. This is the reality for those living with Relationship Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (ROCD). While not officially recognized in the DSM-5, ROCD is a form of OCD that can significantly impact one’s life and relationships. [...]

ROCD – Relationship OCD2024-08-11T12:22:39+03:00

What Kind of Exercise Can Help Improve Depression?


How Much and What Kind of Exercise Can Help Improve Depression? We all know that exercise can help improve our mood and reduce symptoms of depression, and indeed, many ACT and CBT therapists recommend that their clients exercise. But you might be wondering: But you might be wondering: How much exercise do I need, and [...]

What Kind of Exercise Can Help Improve Depression?2024-08-05T22:13:43+03:00

You Can Run Away, But You Can Never Hide From Yourself: An ACT Therapy Perspective


You Can Run Away, But You Can Never Hide From Yourself: An ACT Therapy Perspective In life, we often find ourselves trying to escape from uncomfortable thoughts and feelings. Whether it’s through procrastination, repression, addiction, or self-flagellation, these strategies are like hopelessly trying to outrun our own shadow. No matter how fast we run, our [...]

You Can Run Away, But You Can Never Hide From Yourself: An ACT Therapy Perspective2024-08-01T13:55:55+03:00

Five Questions to Conquer Your Fear


Five Questions to Conquer Your Fear Fear is a universal experience that can prevent us from living our lives to the fullest. By asking ourselves five pivotal questions, we can begin to understand and manage our fears more effectively. These questions help us uncover the deeper reasons behind our fears, see them for what they [...]

Five Questions to Conquer Your Fear2024-07-25T09:59:34+03:00

Recharging Your Life: Managing Energy with ACT and CBT


Recharging Your Life: Managing Energy with ACT and CBT The Weight of Low Energy When depression, anxiety, or ADHD looms, it can feel like your internal battery is perpetually low. You might experience a deep sense of fatigue, as if every task requires more effort than you can muster. It’s a heaviness that lingers, making [...]

Recharging Your Life: Managing Energy with ACT and CBT2024-06-20T08:50:58+03:00
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